Using the Angus & Celeste Self Watering Plant Pot Mid in White Speckle, check out how we pot up our Plant Pots — shot by the wonderful Rae Fallon at Stackwood, Perth. This guide features a Peace Lily plant.
Begin by selecting the perfect plant for your new Self Watering Plant Pot. This guide will feature a lush and leafy Peace Lilly.
We recommend starting off your Self Watering Plant Pot with Clay Beads/Hydroleca. Clay Beads can help promote drainage, improve aeration, and protect your roots from root rot. It also prevents stagnant water from sitting in the bottom of your pot as the clay balls will absorb any excess moisture. We recommend adding 3-5cm of them (after thorough rinsing) to the base of your plant pot. For more information on clay balls and how to use them, click here. Be sure to check with your local nursery if they will be best for your plant.
Top up your plant pot with the soil combination of your choice.
Create a well in the center of the pot, allowing enough room for the plant to fit easily inside.
Wiggle the plant out of the plastic nursery pot. Squeeze gently or tap the sides or base of the pot. Be sure to hold the foliage of the plant to prevent the roots from breaking apart and any damage to the leaves or flowers.
Gently break apart the root ball ever so slightly. Doing this allows the roots to begin to grow out and around the pot. Lay the plant into the well, and check the roots don’t sit too high above the rim of the planter. If it does, you may need to remove some of the soil from the pot, so it sits flush.
Add any extra soil necessary to fill in the gaps around the top of the plant and to create a nice, even surface of soil.
Thoroughly water your plant until the water begins to drain through the base of the pot. As you’re doing the first water of the plant, you may want to remove it from it’s base/saucer and place it over the sink, allowing it to drain until water no longer drips from the pot. If you have the option of watering outside, this is recommended as things can get a little messy at this point. Using a hose to give the soil a good soak is an excellent idea. Ensure to allow enough time for the water to fully drain out and for the soil to set and compact down. At this point, the pot can be placed back into the saucer.
For the first water in our Self Watering Plant Pots, we recommend watering from the top. For any subsequent watering, fill the base via the semi-circle in the saucer of the pot with water. Watering in this manner will allow the clay balls to draw moisture up from the saucer, allowing your plant’s root systems to draw water from the clay as required.
Do remember that plants still like to be watered from the top so that their whole root system gets a flush of water, so alternating your watering process is recommended.
After you have watered the plant, give it a good wipe over to remove any water droplets or soil from potting up. It’s also a good idea to lay down a towel to sit your pot on and dry the bottom of it.
Add decorative pebbles to your hanging planter to really seal the deal and make your plant pop. Pebbles also aid in preventing pests and can help to create a cohesive aesthetic amongst all of your plants.
Ta-da! You’ve now potted up your brand new plant and plant pot the A&C way! Now to find the perfect position for your plant, and enjoy watching it grow.