Just as beautiful as a pearl necklace (and a heck of a lot cheaper!), the String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) is a creeping, perennial, succulent vine belonging to the Asteraceae family. The thread-like stems have fleshy, green, pea-like foliage (the pearls), which flower into faint white blooms. If you’re lucky enough to have your String of Pearls flower, take a smell of the flowers – they smell faintly of cinnamon.
The String of Pearls was one of A&C’s first ‘trailing plant’ fascinations. In 2010, the String of Pearls was the hero plant in our very first photoshoot. It is a sentimental plant for us here at A&C and is held close to our hearts.
This plant has had a huge resurgence in popularity recently, and it’s no surprise seeing why with its ability to trail up to an unbelievable 3 metres long!! This is a plant to be shared with cuttings passed on from a friend to a friend.
If you are looking for an easy succulent to grow, then look no further than the String of Pearls. They are not only easy to grow and care for, but they also provide an interesting focal point in your home.
Here’s a little info to help you keep your plant healthy:
Environment & Temperature:
String of Pearls plants do well in areas with non-direct, bright light and plenty of space for them to sprawl. Consider planting them into a hanging basket so the tendrils can cascade down.
Fertiliser & Soil:
Use a potting soil or any mix that is suitable for cacti.
What I am about to tell you is of the utmost importance: do not overwater your String of Pearls. These guys are drought tolerant and like to completely dry out between each watering. Ensure that they are in a pot with a drainage hole. Soak the soil thoroughly when watering, and then make sure to allow the topsoil to dry out completely before watering again. In the cooler months, cut back the watering to about once a month.
If you would like to try your hand at propagating your String of Pearls, simply cut off some of the long stems and strip the round foliage from them. Stick the stems into a pot of soil, ensuring that at least 3 or 4 of the leaf nodes are down in the soil – this is where the roots will emerge – and Gordon Douglas Rowley’s your uncle! Propagation complete.
One word of caution with the String of Pearls: make sure the plant and any fallen beads are out of reach of children and pets – this succulent can be toxic when consumed.
Did you know?
Okay, so to make sense of the lame joke up above we should probably fill you in on who Gordon Douglas Rowley is. GDR, as we call him around here, is a British botanist after who the String-of-pearls was named. Get it? Bob’s your uncle… Gordon Douglas Rowley’s your uncle! Side-splitting, propagation humour.